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Root Canal Therapy

Got a chipped or damaged tooth? Fortunately, we have invested in advanced dental technology to provide you with an accelerated recovery process to preserve your tooth as rapidly as possible.

Root canal therapy is a highly effective and often life-saving treatment for infected or damaged teeth. In the past, teeth with infected or damaged pulp would have to be extracted, leaving a gap in the patient’s smile and requiring a bridge or implant to restore chewing function. However, with the advancement of root canal therapy, infected or damaged teeth can be saved and repaired during the entire operation.

The benefits of root canal therapy are numerous. For one, it can save a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted. This preserves the natural appearance of the patient’s smile and the tooth’s natural function. This can help the patient chew and speak more comfortably and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting out of alignment.

 Dr. Yanbin Xu, the lead dentist, has acquired and has been heavily trained in utilizing a hard and soft tissue dental laser to provide root canal therapy in one visitWith a single visit, the infected or damaged pulp can be removed, the inside of the tooth can be cleaned and sealed, and the tooth can be restored with a crown or other permanent restoration. This eliminates the need for multiple appointments and a temporary repair, saving time and money for the dentist and the patient.

Additionally, root canal therapy can provide relief from tooth pain and discomfort. When the infected or damaged pulp is removed, the source of the pain is eliminated, providing much-needed relief for the patient. This can help the patient enjoy a more comfortable and pain-free smile.

In conclusion, root canal therapy is a highly effective and often life-saving treatment for infected or damaged teeth. It can save a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted, save time and money for the patient and the dentist, and relieve tooth pain and discomfort. For these reasons, root canal therapy is a remarkable technology that can benefit patients and dental professionals. With the traditional method, you would generally need to visit our multiple visits. However, with our laser technology combined with Dr. Yanbin Xu’s expertise, we’ve cut that down to one. Best of all, the price is the same, and we charge BC fee guide prices. 

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